Tuesday, February 24, 2009

view OPC-3®

Mocha Tonix® Energy Drink

MochaTonix®, is the perfect energy drink there is! If you're like me and need a little boost in the afternoon, to get you going befor the kids come home from school, Mocha Tonix® would be the perfect product for you, it is loaded with vitamin B's. It gives me the boost I need to keep up with my kid

Monday, February 23, 2009


Have you ever browsed the vitamin aisle and want to purchase something and not know where to start? Here is some help for you. Allow about 10 minutes to get your complete results and recommendations. This is a GREAT FREE TOOL. What is the Nutri-Physical™ Nutritional Analysis? The Nutri-Physical is an analytical tool that recommends a customized nutritional supplementation program based on your answers to a series of lifestyle and behavioral questions. These questions center around current, major health-related conditions and various lifestyle factors including diet, exercise, medical history, current supplementation, and related contributing factors. Why was the Nutri-Physical™ created? Science and technology continue to provide increasing amounts of substantiation on the advantages of nutritional supplementation. However, with so many supplements available, many of us find it difficult to determine which supplements best fit our individual needs. Market America has therefore created the Nutri-Physical – an analysis tool that uses your personal feedback to design an individualized supplementation program.
To check it out click here:

Monday, February 2, 2009

Gruezi wohl!
Ich bin eine Schweizerin und lebe schon seit 20 Jahren in Amerika. Aufgewachsen bin ich in Ebnat-Kappel, SG. Meine Familie und ich geniessen es jeden anderen Sommer in der Schweiz zu verweihlen. Wir koennen es kaum erwarten bis wir wieder in eine Bratwurst beissen koennen oder ein Raclette essen mit Freunden geniessen koennen. Meine zwei Buben lieben es in den Bergen herum zu tollen wie Berggeissen! Mal sehen was unsern naechster besuch in der Schweiz bringen wird.